1. Protocol to the Treaty of Peace, signed at Versailles, June 28, 1919
Signed at Versailles, June 28, 1919; in force with and as part of the treaty of peace in virtue of its final provisions January 10, 1920;
United States: Submitted to the Senate by the President July 31, 1919; was generally discussed and laid aside without action by the Committee on Foreign Relations on February 10, 1920; transmitted to the Secretary of State by Senate resolution of February 12, 1935; Unperfected Treaties G–9 and 1–5.
Notes to Protocol
The draft of the protocol was sent to the chairman pro tempore of the German delegation by the President of the peace conference on June 21, 1919. The German Cabinet had resigned two days before as an incident of the internal debate over accepting the treaty. The written negotiations since May 7 had brought from the Germans a considerable number of suggestions for change of substance and of language, including typographical corrections. A revised and corrected text of the Conditions of Peace—now a draft treaty—was transmitted to the German delegation on June 16. On June 19 the German delegation asked for more explicit recognition of certain “concessions” announced in that memorandum, in order to be aware [Page 741] of their “contract force”. In the reply of June 21 the president of the peace conference explained the points raised and informed the German delegation that the interpretations “which in the opinion of the Allied and Associated Powers, may be regarded as constituting a binding engagement, have been incorporated in the annexed Protocol” (Foreign Relations, The Paris Peace Conference, 1919, vi, 603).
With a view to indicating precisely the conditions in which certain provisions of the Treaty of even date are to be carried out, it is agreed by the High Contracting Parties that:
- (1)
- A Commission will be appointed by the Principal Allied and Associated Powers to supervise the destruction of the fortifications of Heligoland in accordance with the Treaty. This Commission will be authorized to decide what portion of the works protecting the coast from sea erosion are to be maintained and what portion must be destroyed;
- (2)
- Sums reimbursed by Germany to German nationals to indemnify them in respect of the interests which they may be found to possess in the railways and mines referred to in the second paragraph of Article 156 shall be credited to Germany against the sums due by way of reparation;
- (3)
- The list of persons to be handed over to the Allied and Associated Governments by Germany under the second paragraph of Article 228 shall be communicated to the German Government within a month from the coming into force of the Treaty;
- (4)
- The Reparation Commission referred to in Article 240 and paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of Annex IV cannot require trade secrets or other confidential information to be divulged;
- (5)
- From the signature of the Treaty and within the ensuing four months Germany will be entitled to submit for examination by the Allied and Associated Powers documents and proposals in order to expedite the work connected with reparation, and thus to shorten the investigation and to accelerate the decisions;
- (6)
- Proceedings will be taken against persons who have committed punishable offences in the liquidation of German property, and the Allied and Associated Powers will welcome any information or evidence which the German Government can furnish on this subject.
Done at Versailles, the twenty-eighth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen.
- Woodrow Wilson.
- Robert Lansing.
- Henry White.
- E. M. House.
- Tasker H. Bliss.
- D. Lloyd George.
- A. Bonar Law.
- Milner.
- Arthur James Balfour.
- George N. Barnes.
- Chas. J. Doherty.
- Arthur L. Sifton.
- W. M. Hughes.
- Joseph Cook.
- Louis Botha.
- J. C. Smuts.
- W. F. Massey.
- Ed. S. Montagu.
- Ganga Singh.
- Maharaja de Bikaner.
- G. Clemenceau.
- S. Pichon.
- L. L. Klotz.
- André Tardieu.
- Jules Cambon.
- Sidney Sonnino.
- Imperiali.
- Silvio Crespi.
- Saionzi.
- N. Makino.
- S. Chinda.
- K. Matsui.
- H. Ijuin.
- Hymans.
- J. Van Den Heuvel.
- Emile Vandervelde.
- Ismael montes.
- Calogeras.
- Rodrigo octavio.
- Antonio S. De Bustamante.
- E. Dorn y De Alsua.
- Eleftherios Veniselos.
- Nicolas Politis.
- Joaquin Mendez.
- Tertullien Guilbaud.
- M. Rustem Haidar.
- Abdul Hadi Aouni.
- P. Bonilla.
- C. D. B. King.
- Salvador Chamorro.
- Antonio Burgos.
- C. G. Candamo.
- I. J. Paderewski.
- Roman Dmowski.
- Affonso Costa.
- Augusto Soares.
- Ion I. C. Bratiano.
- General C. Coanda.
- Nik P. Pachitch.
- Dr. Ante Trumbic.
- Nik. P. Pachitch.
- Charoon.
- Traidos Prabandhu.
- Karel Kramar.
- Dr. Edward Benes.
- J. A. Buero.
- Hermann Müller.
- Dr. Bell.