first meeting of annual labour conference, 1919.
1. The place of meeting will be Washington.
Note to XIII, Annex
The first session was convened by the President of the United States by an invitation forwarded on August 11, 1919 (Foreign Relations, 1919, i, 35). It met in Washington from October 29 to November 29, 1919.
2. The Government of the United States of America is requested to convene the Conference.
3. The International Organising Committee will consist of seven Members, appointed by the United States of America, Great Britain, France, Italy, Japan, Belgium and Switzerland. The Committee may, if it thinks necessary, invite other Members to appoint representatives.
4. Agenda:
- (1)
- Application of principle of the 8–hours day or of the 48-hours week.
- (2)
- Question of preventing or providing against unemployment.
- (3)
- Women’s employment:
- (a)
- Before and after child-birth, including the question of maternity benefit;
- (b)
- During the night;
- (c)
- In unhealthy processes.
- (4)
- Employment of children:
- (a)
- Minimum age of employment;
- (b)
- During the night:
- (c)
- In unhealthy processes.
- (5)
- Extension and application of the International Conventions adopted at Berne in 1906 on the prohibition of night work for women employed in industry and the prohibition of the use of white phosphorus in the manufacture of matches.