File No. 812.00/15826.

The Confidential Agent of the Provisional Government of Mexico to the Secretary of State.40

Excellency: By instructions of General Francisco Villa, I take pleasure in communicating to your excellency the following self-explanatory telegram, dated Torreon, Coahuila, August 16th:


The undersigned, General-in-chief of the Army of the Convention, being duly informed of the contents of the courteous note, severally, independently and unanimously addressed to him on the 11th and received by him on the night [Page 738] of the 15th instant, by their excellencies the Secretary of State of the United States, the Ambassadors of Brazil, Chile and Argentina, and the Ministers of Bolivia, Uruguay and Guatemala, has the honor to return the following reply:

The undersigned, as well as the Convention Government, feel assured that they possess the power and resources with which to continue the present struggle in defense of the rights of the Mexican people and their institutions until such time as the realization of the high ideals of the Revolution shall guarantee a substantial and stable peace, but in view of the praiseworthy and fraternal attitude of the United States and our sister republics of Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay, and Guatemala, and in order that peace in Mexico may become an early and accomplished fact, followed by the restoration of constitutional order, the undersigned, for himself and on behalf of the Convention Government, is disposed to accept, and does cordially accept, the good offices of their excellencies, for the purpose of bringing about a conference of delegates representing the recognized contending factions in Mexico, so as to reach, if possible, a mutually satisfactory agreement, and thereby save, with dignity, the national honor, in the accomplishment of which, be it well understood, the Convention Government will employ every effort to meet the benevolent desires expressed by their excellencies.

It is proper that the undersigned should add, by way of explanation, that all military chiefs and civilian officials affiliated with the Convention Government desire only to witness the reestablishment of a government in Mexico that will bind itself to hold popular elections by which the people may, with absolute freedom, designate their representatives in office regardless of any preference which such chiefs and officials may entertain in favor of any candidate or candidates.

The undersigned having now complied with a most agreeable duty, begs to assure their excellencies of his profound and respectful consideration.

Francisco Villa.

Begging that your excellency will kindly communicate the purport of the foregoing to their excellencies the Ambassadors and Ministers above named,

I avail [etc.]

Enrique C. Llorente.
  1. Receipt acknowledged August 25, 1915.