File No. 812.00/15229.

The Brazilian Minister to Mexico to the Secretary of State.


638. For you information I transcribe below the terms proposed by Convention to reach an agreement as published in the Mexican Herald of even date:

That a general armistice be arranged covering the whole Republic for the period of a month counting from the date of the acceptance of this compact, during which time hostilities shall be suspended as well as all military movements in order that the military chiefs may freely adopt the line of conduct which they may deem best for the unification of the Revolution and the salvation of the Republic.
That in so far as principles are concerned there shall be accepted as the program of the politico-social reforms of the Revolution the principles contained in the additions to the plan of Guadalupe formulated in Vera Cruz by General Venustiano Carranza, the principles of the Plan of Ayala accepted by the Convention, and those of the Program approved by the Convention.
The preconstitutional government will be composed of a provisional president of the Republic and nine responsible ministers of whom three shall be chosen by the Ejército Constitucionalista, three by the Liberating Army of the [Page 711] South and three by the Army, of the North, these being subject to the law of parliamentarism passed by the Convention and of this assembly as the legislative power, being duly made up of representatives of all the factions accepted under the conditions accorded in Aguascalientes, civilian representatives of the generals being admitted.
The provisional president of the Republic will be named by an absolute majority of votes of the delegates of the Convention and must come from civil life, military candidates of whatever rank being excluded from this post.
The provisional preconstitutional government will retain its functions until December 31 of the present year, on which date the powers shall be turned over to the constitutional government which shall have been elected as the result of a call for elections which shall be issued at the opportune time by the Convention.
In order to arrive at a military equilibrium in the whole Republic the various chiefs shall preserve the respective command of the regions which they now dominate, being subject in regard to their political functions to the dispositions of the provisional government.
In the event of one faction invading in a military or undue manner the territory dominated by another this act will be considered as rebellion against the compact founding the provisional government and it will be the duty of the other factions in support of this government to put down the rebellion.
At the end of the period of a month filed [sic] in the first article, the Convention will proceed to take the necessary steps for the election of a provisional president of the Republic with the elements which, in response to this call, are gathered in the place where the said assembly may be in session.
Full amnesty for all revolutionists shall be decreed immediately as well as energetic action by the committee of public health composed of equal elements of the three factions for the purpose of purifying these factions and punishing the enemies of the Revolution.
Additional. This resolution shall be communicated immediately to General Pablo Gonzalez by a special commission in order that it may be made known to the military chiefs of his command and that he may reply to the Convention in the manner he deems proper, it being brought to this attention that the City of Mexico will be defended and that he will have to take it by fire and sword if he insists on his advance and that in case of the city being captured it will be submitted to a rigorous siege; and that this resolution will be issued in the form of a manifesto to all the revolutionary chiefs of the Republic.

Cardoso de Oliveira.