File No. 793.94/241.
The Chinese Minister to the Secretary of State.29
Article I.
proposed for the purpose of preserving peace in the far east and strengthening the friendly relations between the two countries.
- 1.
- China shall recognize the transfer of all the rights in Shantung acquired and enjoyed by Germany in accordance with treaty stipulations or other rights with reference to China, regarding which Japan expects to come to an agreement with Germany eventually.
- 2.
- China shall not lease to other countries any territory or island on the coast of Shantung.
- 3.
- China shall grant to Japan the right to construct a railway from Yentai or Lungkow to connect with the Kiaochow-Tsinan line.
- 4.
- China shall open without delay the principal important cities of Shantung to trade.
Article II.
proposed for the purpose of securing to japan a position of special dominance in south manchuria and east mongolia.
- 1.
- The lease of Port Arthur and Dairen, together with the South Manchurian Railway and the Mukden-Antung Railway, shall be extended to ninety-nine (99) years.
- 2.
- Japanese subjects shall have the right to rent and purchase land in South Manchuria and East Mongolia for uses connected with manufacture or agriculture.
- 3.
- Japanese subjects shall have the right to go freely to South Manchuria and East Mongolia for purposes of residence and trade.
- 4.
- The right to open and operate mines in South Manchuria and East Mongolia shall be granted to Japanese subjects.
- 5.
- China shall obtain the consent of the Japanese Government to
actions of the two following kinds:
- (a)
- Permitting citizens or subjects of other countries to build railroads in South Manchuria or East Mongolia, or negotiating for loans.
- (b)
- Hypothecating the various revenues of South Manchuria and East Mongolia as security for foreign loans.
- 6.
- China shall consult Japan before employing advisers or instructors for conducting the administrative, financial or military affairs of South Manchuria and East Mongolia.
- 7.
- Japan shall have control of the Kirin-Changchun railway for ninety-nine (99) years.
Article III.
- 1.
- China and Japan shall agree to act jointly, not independently, in the contemplated formation of the Han-Yeh-Ping Company.
- 2.
- Without consent foreigners shall not be permitted to open and operate mines in the neighborhood of the Han-Yeh-Ping Company’s property; and anything affecting the company directly or indirectly shall be decided jointly.
Article IV.
proposed for the purpose of effectively protecting the territorial integrity of china.
1. China shall not alienate or lease to other countries any port, harbor, or island on the coast of China.
Article V.
- 1.
- The Central Government of China shall employ influential Japanese subjects as advisers for conducting administrative, financial and military affairs.
- 2.
- Japanese hospitals, missions, and schools established in the interior shall have the right to hold land in China.
- 3.
- China and Japan shall jointly police the important places in China, or employ a majority of Japanese in the police department of China.
- 4.
- China shall purchase from Japan at least half the arms and ammunitions used in the whole country or establish jointly in Japan factories for the manufacture of arms.
- 5.
- China shall permit Japan to build railroads connecting Wu Chang with Kiukiang and Nanchang, Nanchang with Hangchow, and Nanchang with Chiaochow (Swatow).
- 6.
- In case the Province of Fukien requires foreign capital for railway construction, mining, harbor improvements and shipbuilding Japan shall be first consulted.
- 7.
- Japan shall have the right to propagate religious doctrines in China.
- A memorandum, not dated, handed to the Secretary of State by the Chinese Minister↩