File No. 812.00/15207.

The Brazilian Minister to Mexico to the Secretary of State.


631. Kindly forward following message:

Cardoso de Oliveira.

Consul Silliman,
Vera Cruz:

As a matter of courtesy and without taking any responsibility or particular interest in its contents I acceded to transcribe you the following:

General Venustiano Carranza, Vera Cruz:

I beg to advise you that in compliance with a disposition of the Sovereign Revolutionary Convention, in accordance with the law of parliamentarism decreed by said body, [Page 708] General Roque Gonzalez Garza turned over to me in a formal, peaceful and solemn manner the office of the Executive Power, which I have assumed since the 10th instant.

As I know that my predecessor accedes to the spirit of revolutionary unity, which will be the only national salvation in the face of any possible foreign pressure that may threaten us and as I also know that no answer has been received from you, I beg to advise that I make as mine his cordial phrases, which are an appeal to bring into harmony the factions in which, unhappily, the revolution is divided.

General Carranza, the military and civil faction which regard you as their flag, and the great universalist party which is directed by the resolutions of the Sovereign Revolutionary Convention, give their support to the same principles, hope for the same triumph of social vindication, of justice for all, and radical punishment of all reactionary elements; and both factions also uphold the same tendencies towards the future national progress.

In consequence I also understand as did my predecessor that the moment has arrived when this tremendous war, which resembles an immense national suicide, should cease; and I expect patriotism from you and those around you, and that you will be pleased to make a reply to the two successive invitations tendered you on account of the statement made by President Wilson.

I doubt not that, preliminary to a saving unity, we will be able to begin with an armistice which will be the dawning of our interior and definitive peace.

Lic. Francisco Lagos Cházaro,
In Charge of the Executive Power.

Cardoso de Oliveira.