File No. 812.00/14764a.
The Secretary of State to Special Agent Silliman.
Washington, March 29, 1915—7 p.m.
In view of the embarrassments which Mexico City seems to present to those who attempt to hold it without being in control of the entire country, and also because of the great danger of international complications arising from the number of foreigners in the city, it has been suggested that the city itself be declared a neutral zone, its neutrality to be respected by all factions and the control of the city to devolve either upon a governor to be agreed upon or, preferably, upon the City Council, which is a local body. This recommendation is earnestly commended to the consideration of Carranza. Will you please present the matter at the earliest opportunity and let us know the impression that it makes.
It would be very desirable also to neutralize the railroad from Vera Cruz, to Mexico City, but this, while important, is not so imperatively necessary as neutralization of Mexico City.