File No. 812.00/14708
The Brazilian Minister to Mexico to the Secretary of State.
Mexico City, March 26, 1915—11 a.m.
458. I have been requested by a committee representing The Society of the American Colony and a mass meeting of American citizens, [Page 679] which gives as its reason for the request the absolute lack of postal communication with Washington and the impossibility of telegraphing freely because of the strict censorship over telegrams by the Carrancista authorities at Vera Cruz, to transmit to you the following:
Joint Committee American Colony Society and mass meeting Americans preparing for submission Washington detailed report pertinent facts regarding conditions Mexico during past twelve months. This report they state once for all is based solely on their earnest desire aid their Government in getting true light situation here. Chapter on lack necessities and imminent danger famine forward verbatim separate telegram. Following is digest other conference.
Taxation. Preexisting laws repeatedly stretched and misapplied without legislative, judicial, administrative or other sanction except military greed, whim or vengeance under transparent guise of public good or necessity. Also extraordinary and highly obnoxious duties imposed with summary payment and excessive penalties. Results this taxation do not further justify revolution, still less support stable government and provide means governmental protection, but rather stimulate personal rivalry and hunger for continued disorder. Taxpayers’ money goes buy arms pay men and enrich officers, their followers, thus serving prolong present chaotic conditions.
Currency and stamps. Huerta commenced tampering with banking law and currency system authorizing reduction already small specie reserve required national banks and increase former large bank-note issue. Constitutionalists first, then various subdivisions revolutionists, and finally individual generals printed by force of arms put into circulation unsecured paper money almost unlimited amount. Various factions soon began declare null all issues except their own. This still continues. Naturally gold, silver and fractional coin even inflated, buying disappeared. All now fiat paper and what good and enforced today tomorrow void and forbidden. Poor and employee class suffer most. Foreign exchange rate fell during year forty to eleven, cost living increased nearly proportionally. Unlicensed manufacture bills proceeds, unrestricted amount now circulating incalculable; stamps, both revenue and postage, issued as freely as so-called government bills and as unconscionably repudiated.
Courts. August last year all courts Federal and [omission] forcibly dissolved and all pending matters suspended indefinitely. Provisional courts, with local jurisdiction for new business only and no appeal, established September dissolved January. No constitution remedies enforceable for seven months and no justice whatever dispensed during greater part of that.
Mail and telegraph. Periods of weeks even months have elapsed without mail service domestic or foreign although conditions communications made delivery possible. International Committee representing seventeen foreign colonies recently petitioned Carranza through Diplomatic Corps to have foreigners mail forwarded from Vera Cruz. Only answer was order close post office here. Correspondence violated and private telegrams unreasonably censored and maliciously altered at Vera Cruz. Press dispatches suppressed and falsified thus concealing facts and forcibly misguiding opinion abroad.
International protest. Due to the illegal and extortionate taxation imposed, leading foreign colonies organized committee to defend their interests against abuse and outrages. On recommendation this committee practically all foreign business houses including all banks closed for a period of eighteen days resulting virtual paralysis all commerce. Committee activities generally approved and it continues to act response public demand.
Miscellaneous. Aside from chapters specified, report will include general observations and describe details taking possession by authorities foreign owned or controlled railways, tramways, express, telephone; also outrages committed on foreigners and their property, on church and clergy; also removal government archives and despoiling government treasury including securities deposited in trust by foreigners; also deceit and political machiavellism practiced on working classes and deliberate attempts to incite riots and pillage.