File No. 793.94/227.
Minister Reinsch to the Secretary of State.
Peking, February 12, 1915—9 p.m.
Referring to my cable of February 1, 8 p.m. Moore, correspondent of the Associated Press, says that his telegram of yesterday24 was not published by Associated Press because “categorically denied.”
Moore yesterday showed me his telegram and I may say for your information that, with reservations noted below, it contains substantially accurate account of the demands as here understood from various reliable sources:
[Page 88]Demands regarding police, arsenals and advisers are more accurately stated in my telegram of February 1, 8 p.m.; statement [that] “China may call upon Japan alone for preservation her integrity” would appear to be an inference rather than a specific item of demands.
- See, post, inclosure to despatch No. 540, of February 15, from Minister Reinsch.↩