File No. 812.00/14501.


386. My 383, March 4, 5 p.m. I am informed that foreign merchants are unwilling to open their shops, sure as they are that the purpose of the decree is not only to force them to accept Carranza’s money lately issued at Vera Cruz amounting to several million which money will be of no value when other factions occupy the city, but with alternative that if decree is not complied with it would be considered as a rebellious act and subject to punishment which will be made effective probably in the way of authorized looting. That the city will be evacuated soon and consequently occupied by other factions is now proved by the following reply from Carranza to a telegram sent day before yesterday by the Diplomatic Corps in which they requested the adoption of some measures beneficial to the merchants here:

By direction of the First Chief of the Constitutionalist Army I beg to advise you, requesting that you so inform the Diplomatic Corps, that the City of Mexico will be evacuated soon by the Constitutionalist forces. The Diplomatic Corps will be duly attended in Vera Cruz if it should resolve to go to the capital of the Republic. Accept my distinguished consideration.


This [omission] second invitation for the transfer of the Diplomatic Corps, which of course cannot be taken. Later consideration only indicates Constitutionalist intention to get rid of all responsibility for what may happen here to foreigners and Diplomatic Corps. However, their responsibility will be the greater since if the feared catastrophe should take place here it will all be due to their machinations and avowed purpose to punish the city. Besides [Page 658] the wild rumors which already circulate continually, I have just been informed by a reliable person that an emissary came expressly from Vera Cruz bringing verbal orders, which they would not trust to telegraph or ink and paper, to destroy the light and power plants and the water works, make a general looting before the evacuation takes place.

Cardoso de Oliveira.