File No. 812.00/14322.

The Confidential Agent of the Provisional [Conventionist] Government to the Secretary of State.


Enrique C. Llorente, Confidential Agent of the Provisional Government of Mexico, presents his respectful compliments to the Honorable [Page 646] William Jennings Bryan, Secretary of State of the United States, and by instruction of his Government, has the honor to transmit, herewith, copy of a telegram received this afternoon from the President of the Sovereign Convention of Mexico, Roque Ganzalez Garza, charged by the Convention with the Executive Power of the Nation, following the removal of ex-President Gutierrez, relative to the situation in Mexico.


The President of the Convention, Gonzalez Garza, to Confidential Agent Llorente.

My Government, which emanated from the Sovereign Convention, has received offers from private citizens to take up arms in defense of the city and of the Convention. It has not, however, been deemed necessary to accept such offers, for the reason that the situation in the capital is sufficiently safeguarded with the force already at hand, belonging to the Convention and to the Divisions of the North and South. General Villa has control over the entire North after having defeated the Robles Brigade and the column of General Elizondo. General Villa is now in Queretaro with 25,000 men and will march against San Luis and Tampico, by which movement all the central part of the Republic will come under the control of the Convention Government. The greatest part of the troops which evacuated Mexico City on Saturday have now returned and placed themselves at the orders of the Convention and the Commanders of the Division of the North. The Convention proposes to follow a policy of conciliation with all desirable and useful elements.

With this end in view, the Convention has proposed [to] General Eulalio Gutierrez that the capital of the Republic be declared neutral in order that preliminary peace parleys may be initiated, simultaneously agreeing to grant an armistice throughout the Republic. The Convention likewise intends to address General Venustiano Carranza in this sense.

The lack of cohesion on the part of these elements, Carranza and Gutierrez, will facilitate the military operations of this Government.