File No. 882.51/646.

The Secretary of State to Chargé Bundy.

No. 23.]

Sir: The Department has received the Legation’s No. 91, of March 19, enclosing copy of a note addressed to the Minister by the General Receiver of Customs, relative to the action of the Liberian Government in borrowing $8,000 from the Excelsior Mining Company, Ltd.

If, after consultation with Mr. Clark, it would seem expedient officially to take up the question of this loan with the Government of Liberia, the Minister for Foreign Affairs should clearly understand that the United States has no wish or intention to interfere with the operations of the Government of Liberia.

You may then, in a most careful and discreet manner, intimate that in view of what this Government has done in assisting Liberia to rehabilitate its finances and to place itself on a sound basis, enabling the country to maintain a position of importance and respect among foreign powers, it would be most natural to expect that under Section 4 (d) of the loan agreement the General Receiver of Customs would have been consulted before negotiating the loan.

And you may say further, that if the Liberian Government continues to make such unauthorized charges against the revenues of the country, it cannot expect the cordial support it has heretofore received from the bankers or the confidence of this Government.

I am [etc.]

For the Secretary of State:
Robert Lansing.