File No. 882.51/638.
The Secretary of State to Messrs. Kuhn, Loeb and Company.
Washington, January 6, 1915.
A telegram has been received from the American Minister at Monrovia as follows:
[Foregoing telegram.]
While the Department appreciates the importance of adhering to the loan agreement by the contracting parties thereto, it is to be noted that for the proper collection of the Liberian customs the maintenance of an adequate frontier force is most necessary, and the Department would be pleased to know if in view of the serious and lamentable situation brought about in Liberia on account of the European war, the payment of a minimum Frontier Force could be chargeable before the payment of interest.
With your familiarity with the steps this Government has taken in assisting the Government of Liberia in the work of arranging for the new loan, you will readily appreciate, the gratification which would be felt could the bankers arrange in any way to lessen the dilemma which now confronts the Republic.