File No. 893.773/32.
No. 52.]
American Consulate,
November 28, 1914.
Consul Pontius to
Minister Reinsch.
No. 44.]
American Consulate,
November 28, 1914.
Sir: Referring to my No. 38, dated
November 7, 1914, with reference to the South Manchuria Railway rate
discrimination against the port of Newchwang, I have the honor to
transmit herewith additional information which may be of value to
the Legation or the Embassy at Tokyo in arriving at a satisfactory
settlement of this vexatious question.
It would seem advisable to emphasize the necessity of insisting, for
the protection of Newchwang trade, that the same treatment—viz 30%
rail rate reduction
[Page 608]
instead of only 15%—be conceded goods landed at Manchnrian ports and
afterwards railed to inland points, as is accorded “through” goods
coming in from overseas to inland points, under through bills of
lading which enjoy the 30% reduction.
Assuming that the through bill of lading facilities were made
available to all steamship lines instead of only to Japanese lines
as at present, the discrimination against non-Japanese ocean
shipping would become eliminated; but the difference between 15% on
“local” and 30% on “through” cargo, would still militate against
import goods to Newchwang, stored there temporarily until sold, and
then railed to an inland point. Considerable stress should be laid
on the importance of the principle of equal treatment to goods,
whether billed “through” from over seas, or only railed “locally”
from the Manchurian port of import. In all cases where goods are
railed to interior points from Newchwang, a practical arrangement
would be for the South Manchuria Railway to accept a copy of the
steamship bill of lading covering ocean shipment of the goods in
question, as bona fide evidence that the goods are entitled to the
30% reduction extended to “through” cargo, a fair time limit being
allowed for local storage.
I have [etc.]