File No. 811f.812/706a.

To the Diplomatic Officers of the United States in Chile, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Peru and Venezuela.


Say to the Minister for Foreign Affairs that the President regrets exceedingly that because of the stress of public business he will be unable to carry out his desire to go to Panama in March next and that in consequence the formal celebration of the opening of the Canal will be postponed and he will be denied the pleasure he had looked forward to of meeting his excellency the Minister for Foreign Affairs that month; that it is expected that the ceremonies will take place in July and that the President indulges the hope that his excellency, by accepting the invitation which the President confidentially expects to extend for this later period, will then give him the pleasure of making his excellency’s personal acquaintance and the opportunity to discuss with him affairs of mutual benefit to both countries. Announcement will be made publicly in few days.
