File No. 365.117/112.
Washington, July 20, 1915.
287. Your 322, June 11. Request early decision Ghiloni case. Say this Government hopes that Italian Government will give due consideration to fact that Ghiloni was born a citizen of the United States under the law of this country, has been domiciled in the United States since attaining his majority, about nine years ago, and has thus evidently made a practical election of American nationality; and that it will release him and allow him to return to his home in the United States. It is considered by this Government that the principle of election of nationality should be recognized in cases of persons born with dual nationality, whether or not the municipal laws of the countries concerned prescribe definite modes of election. This Government has no desire to intervene in cases of persons who were born in the United States of Italian parents but were domiciled in Italy upon attaining majority, are still domiciled there and have evidently elected Italian nationality. It is hoped that Italian Government will be willing to make a reasonable discrimination in these cases. Please endeavor discuss this matter personally with Foreign Minister and report result.