File 838.77/113.

Minister Blanchard to the Secretary of State.

No. 26.]

Sir: Referring to the Department’s cable of December 23, I have the honor to forward herewith copy of the memorandum I handed the Minister of Foreign Relations after my interview with him with reference to a further suspension of the foreclosure proceedings [Page 546] against the National Railroad Company of Haiti, together with a copy and translation of the memorandum dated December 26 received in reply and which I requested in confirmation of the assurances given me verbally.

I have [etc.,]

A. Bailly-Blanchard.
[Inclosure 1.]

The American Legation to the Department of Foreign Relations.

The American Legation in pursuance of instructions just received, has the honor to inform the Department of Foreign Relations that the Government of the United States hopes that the foreclosure proceedings against the National Railroad of Haiti will be suspended until such time as all questions pending between the Haitian Government and the railroad can be considered at Washington.

[Inclosure 2—Translation.]

The Department of Foreign Relations to the American Legation.

The Department of Foreign Relations has had the honor to receive to-day the memorandum of the 24th instant, by which [etc.]

In response, the Department of Foreign Relations has the honor to inform the American Legation that the Government of the Republic of Haiti, in order to give the Government of the United States a new testimony of its sincere spirit of conciliation, is happy to accept the good offices of the American Government and is willing to consent to a suspension, until a date to be fixed later, of the putting into adjudication of the concession of the Natioal Railroad Company of Haiti, all things remaining as they are and without any prejudice in anything to the principle set out in Art. 16 of the contract of concession of April 16, 1910.

The Department of Foreign Relations thinks it ought to renew here the declaration that this acceptance of suspension is under the express reserve that if in the interval no understanding has been arrived at between the parties to the cause the procedure will continue in conformity with the contract which binds the Haitian Government and the National Railroad Company in Haiti.

The Department of Foreign Relations retains the hope that this company will present without delay to the Haitian Government, by its authorized representatives, all propositions susceptible of bringing about a just solution of the pending questions.