File 838.77/102.

The Secretary of State to Minister Blanchard.


Your September 28. As result of conference by Department with representative National Railroad Company, you are instructed to request of Haitian Government that all proceedings against company which it has notified be extended or held in abeyance to December 28 as indicated by Haitian Government might be done, without prejudice to rights of parties, during which time the Department will endeavor to bring company and Haitian Government to an arrangement including readjustment of contract and possible shortening of route resulting in saving and advantage to Government, and for a commission in nature of arbitration to adjust all differences satisfactorily and to advantage of both parties. Say to Haitian Government that in dealing with interests of company Department thinks it should not overlook the general disturbed financial situation and might well consider consequences arising from summary action at this time in estranging available sources of financial assistance. It is best for all concerned that a satisfactory adjustment should be tried and arranged, if possible, previous to any final procedure by Haiti, thereby removing possible action by United States in pressing claims of company should it appear, as now appears possible, that company’s rights may not have been afforded full consideration and due process of law.

Department thinks it well that this matter be brought to attention of President Zamor and Charles Zamor.

W. J. Bryan.