File No. 838.51/578a.

The Secretary of State to the Secretary of the Navy.

Sir: I have the honor to inform you that arrangements have been made with the representatives of the National Bank of Haiti to deposit the sum of $124,000 with the Assistant Treasurer of the United States, New York, to the personal credit of Paymaster J. L. Chatterton, U. S. N., for trans-shipment to Port au Prince for use in cashing drafts on New York.

[Page 527]

In confirmation of tentative plans discussed with the Paymaster General of the Navy and a representative of the Chief of Naval Operations, I beg to request that a pay officer be ordered to the U. S. S. Vulcan, shortly to sail for Haiti, and that the sum of $124,000 in currency be placed in his custody, to be turned over to the National Bank of Haiti under orders from Admiral Caperton.

I have [etc.]

Robert Lansing.