Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, With the Address of the President to Congress December 7, 1915
File No. 838.00/1370.
The Acting Secretary of the Navy to the Secretary of State.
Washington, December 8, 1915.
Sir: I have the honor to forward herewith, for the information of your Department, a copy of a letter dated November 20, 1915, received from Rear Admiral Caperton, Commander of the Cruiser Squadron, Atlantic Fleet, relative to the operations of the Cruiser Squadron in Haitian waters from November 7 to 19, inclusive.
Admiral Caperton to the Secretary of the Navy.
Colonel Waller reports that operations are progressing well against the Caco bandits, and that the bandits are scarce at present. It is his opinion that the [Page 494] North will soon be quiet, but that our troops will be active for a few days more. He will interview several Caco generals tomorrow.
I directed the commander of the Fifth Naval District to occupy the customhouse at Aquin in accordance with orders previously issued.
November 8, 1915.
Operations against the bandits in the North continues. Our forces have been divided into small columns and are patrolling the country in all directions, and the bandits have been almost completely broken up.
November 10, 1915.
On this day the Commander of the Expeditionary Force reported that Forts Selon and Berthol had been captured on November 8; that the Cacos had fired [fled?] at the sight of our men; and that all in the Caco country were displaying white flags. He further reports that a band of 15 bandits was trapped near Grande Rivière, and that 2 were killed and 9 wounded. He also reports Limonade quiet and states that he was satisfied that the movement crushed was more than an aggregation of ordinary brigands. The Commander of the Expeditionary Force will now start operations to the west of the railroad and toward Ranquille.
November 13, 1915.
The Commander of the Expeditionary Force reports from the North that a general movement westward towards the Cape Haitien-Bahon railroad started this morning, and will be finished tomorrow to the line Grande Rivière-Bahon; that Limonade and Le Trou also were being occupied; that few Cacos were seen; that there were 3 killed and 6 wounded among them; and that there were no casualties on our side. He further reports that it is quiet south of Behon; that the district between the railroad and San Raphael will be cleared next week if necessary; and that this district has already been patrolled and partly cleared. He further reports that conditions are quiet and that more people are going to work on the farms.
November 16, 1915.
The Commander of the Expeditionary Force returned to Port au Prince on this day. The operation against the Cacos toward Dondon, Fort Rivière and Ranquille began this morning. Conditions to the eastward of the Cape Haitien-Bahon railroad are quiet, and no further trouble is anticipated in this district.
November 18, 1915.
On 17 November Fort Rivière was captured by forces under the command of Major Butler. All avenues of escape had been previously closed so that no Cacos escaped. Fifty-one Cacos were killed, including General Joseph and 3 division chiefs, and all others were captured. There were no casualties to our forces. Major Butler’s force consisted of the 13th Company of Marines, Captain C. Campbell; marine detachment from the Connecticut, Captain F. A. Barker; 5th Company of Marines, Captain W. W. Low; a seamen company from the Connecticut, Lieut. S. D. McCaughey; and an automatic-gun detachment from the 3d Company. The assault was made by Major Butler with the 5th Company, supported by five other companies. A hand-to-hand conflict in the fort lasted ten minutes. Forty-seven rifles and considerable ammunition found in the fort after the capture. This fort is made of masonry and brick of most substantial construction. It will be leveled to the ground.
The fact that this fort was taken without a single casualty on our side speaks well for the ability and judgment of all officers concerned.
November 19, 1915.
The operations against the Caco bandits in North Haiti during the last three weeks has resulted in the dispersing of the Cacos, the capture of many of their strongholds, the destruction of quantities of arms and ammunition, and the bringing of peaceful conditions throughout the Caco country. This area is included within the lines Cape Haitien, Minthe, the mouth of the Massacre River, and Cape Haitien. This area is now patrolled throughout by our forces, is now peaceful, and the country people are now busy with their crops. Our patrols are also at present operating from Gonteau, from Port de Paix for a distance of eight miles to the southward and from St. Marc to the Artibonite Valley. These latter areas are quiet and patrols from Gonaives and St. Marc found the people friendly and welcoming our detachments.
The last movement of the Cacos appears to have been of a revolutionary nature against the present Government and the American occupation, as well [Page 495] as brigandage. While petty brigandage will continue from time to time, yet it is hoped that no more such organized brigandage or revolutionary activities will occur. Our casualties to date in this campaign are one officer and one man wounded.
November 19, 1915.
On this day I received Department’s radiogram 22018, in which the Department directs that, in view of the heavy losses to the Haitians in recent engagements, our offensive operations be suspended in order to prevent further loss of life.
It is presumed that the Department understands that patrolling in North Haiti is now under way by our forces, and that hostile contact with the bandits may unavoidably occur from time to time, resulting in loss of life. The operations we have been conducting are purely of a defensive character for the preservation of law and order, the suppression of revolutionary activities against the present Government and military intimidation of the people and for the protection of life and property of the innocent farmers and tradesmen who form by far the majority of the population in the districts patrolled. The Cacos against whom these operations have been undertaken, are bandits purely and simply, owing no allegiance to the Government or any political faction, but organized under petty chiefs for the sole purpose of stirring up strife against the Government, and robbing, pillaging, and murdering innocent people. The suppression of this brigandage and these activities is absolutely essential to peace and security in Haiti. It will be remembered that there is no Government authority in these areas at present and that we have disbanded the Haitian army, which has heretofore been the only means of protection to the inhabitants. The operations now undertaken should continue until this brigandage is suppressed or the constabulary is ready to relieve our forces. Having undertaken this intervention, any diminution in the protection and support offered the Government and the people of Haiti by the United States will greatly harm our prestige. Our action in suppressing these bandits is approved by the Haitian Government, and, in the case of most of the members of that Government, most enthusiastically.
It is absolutely necessary that the present movement continue to the southward to include Hinche at least, where arms and ammunition have been collected for delivery to our forces in accordance with the agreement of Quartier-Morin; and furthermore, if Hinche is not occupied it will therefore form a base for future revolutions. It is of course possible that some slight opposition may be encountered at Hinche although we are assured there will be none. In view of this vital necessity, unless otherwise directed, I will continue the movement to Hinche.