File No. 838.00/1246a.
The Secretary of State to Chargé Davis.
Washington, August 10, 1915—noon.
In view of the fact that the Navy last night informed Admiral Caperton that he might allow election of a President whenever the Haitians wish, and of the impression which exists here that the elections may take place Thursday next, it is desired that you confer with the Admiral to the end that, in some way to be determined between you, the following things be made perfectly clear:
First: Let Congress understand that the Government of the United States intends to uphold it, but that it can not recognize action which does not establish in charge of Haitian affairs those whose abilities and dispositions give assurances of putting an end to factional disorders.
Second. In order that no misunderstanding can possibly occur after election, it should be made perfectly clear to candidates as soon as possible and in advance of their election, that the United States expects to be entrusted with the practical control of the customs, and such financial control over the affairs of the Republic of Haiti as the United States may deem necessary for an efficient administration.
[Page 480]The Government of the United States considers it its duty to support a constitutional government. It means to assist in the establishing of such a government, and to support it as long as necessity may require. It has no design upon the political or territorial integrity of Haiti; on the contrary, what has been done, as well as what will be done, is conceived in an effort to aid the people of Haiti in establishing a stable government and in maintaining domestic peace throughout the Republic.