File No. 838.00/1243.

Admiral Caperton to the Secretary of the Navy.


General Bobo formally resigned the position Chief Executive Power and dismissed his cabinet ministers before the landing at Port au Prince today. By his orders all his generals in the North were telegraphed to deposit their arms with the American forces at Cape Haitien. He promises to use every effort for good order. Similar promises have been given by Bourand and to his troops in the North have been sent similar instructions. Because it did not keep faith, I have curtailed the power of the revolutionary committee, for this resulted in not having a serviceable committee. My orders are gladly accepted and executed by the civil officials of the late Government. The immediate election of a President is clamored for by all classes of Haitians. For regular Government, Congress with civil functionaries and all necessary organizations except President and Congress not exist legally. There are only two serious candidates, Bobo and Dartiguenave; Congress probably will elect the latter.

I have had daily conferences with the President of the Senate and Chamber of Deputies, with Senators, Deputies, ex-Cabinet Ministers, and many leading Haitians. In the presence of Congressmen, Dartiguenave, President of the Senate, stated that Congressmen are agreed that Haiti must and will accede gladly to any terms proposed by the United States. Now, they say they will cede outright without restriction St. Nicholas Mole, granting us the right to intervene when necessary, customhouse control, and any other terms. Only they beg to avoid as far as possible humiliation. They insist that no government can stand except through protection of the United States. Without this protection there would be nothing but anarchy [Page 479] in Haiti according to their statements. Most Haitians now fear that the Americans will withdraw their troops.

Immediately it is extremely desirable to reestablish government. Next Thursday, August 12, unless otherwise directed, I will permit Congress to elect a President.
