File No. 838.00/1206.

Admiral Caperton to the Secretary of the Navy.


All remains quiet at Cape Haitien. Position of revolutionists is within three miles of Cape Haitien. Outside the town there occurred some fighting last night. I informed General Probus Blot to-day that fighting cannot be permitted to take place within town Cape Haitien on account of the protection lives and property of foreigners. As soon as possible I will inform Bobo to same effect. Consider this action demanded by United States interests. If necessary will use force, and have informed contending factions to that effect. Am assured by General Probus Blot that fighting will not take place in town, and that the property and also the lives of foreigners will be protected.

Of this action I have informed Commanding Officer Descartes and also that I am prepared for the protection of the interests of French citizens at Cape Haitien, also of those of other foreign nations; and that should he be called elsewhere he may be assured that after he leaves, the interests of citizens of France would be handled in the same way as the interests of the citizens of the United States.
