File No. 838.00/1119.


Your cable February 20, 3 p.m., not entirely clear; but to avoid delay pending complete repetition hereby requested, following answers are submitted:

First. Theodore was regularly elected President according to the Constitution of Haiti by the Senate and House in joint session for a full term of 7 years. See my telegram of November 711 and November 13, 3 p.m.11

Second. The term of the present [Chamber of Deputies?] expires the end of 1916. Senators are elected by the [Chamber of Deputies?] for a term of 6 years and renewed by the session every 2 years.

Members of Chamber of Deputies elected by the people.

For detailed information see American Constitutions, edition 1905, volume 2, page 59, and following paragraph. The candidates elected as a rule are the candidates of the Government.

[Page 466]

Third. The Legislature was not coerced into the election of Theodore, who received the entire vote.

The proclaiming of a successful revolutionary leader as Chief of the Executive Power is tantamount to his election as President. Upon his entrance in the capital the Chambers are convoked and he is invariably elected.

Fourth. The revolution is successful. All revolutionary leaders have declared allegiance to Vilbrun Guillaume Sam, who is expected to arrive Port au Prince tomorrow, 25th. Chambers convoked yesterday in extra session and according to all precedents will elect him for the term of 7 years.

Fifth. The overthrow of the Theodore Government was due in part to personal ambition of Vilbrun Guillaume Sam and to the fact that the Government being without funds and unable to secure any the troops received no pay, as had been promised after his election, for 10 months campaign and they therefore returned to the North and joined the revolution; also economic conditions here due to European war and internal unrest resulting in business stagnation and creating a poverty-stricken condition throughout the country. Further, Theodore surrounded himself with members of the former Simon Government the most unpopular faction in Haiti which contributed to a great degree to his downfall.
