File No. 825.731/2.
Ambassador Fletcher
to the Secretary of State.
No. 580.]
American Embassy,
January 30, 1915,
Sir: In continuation of my No. 574 of the 11th
instant, on the subject of Decree No. 6364, imposing unnecessary and
burdensome restrictions on telegraphic communications, I have the honor
to report that a new decree (translation enclosed) has been issued which
satisfactorily amends the first decree and eliminates the provisions
thereof which affected adversely legitimate neutral commerce.
I have appropriately expressed to the Minister for Foreign Affairs my
appreciation of his attentive consideration of and prompt action upon
the Embassy’s representations on this subject.
I have [etc.]
Ministry of the Interior,
January 25, 1915.
The dispositions of Articles 2 and 3 of Decree No. 6364, of December
30 last, are modified in the following form:
- 1.
- The communications of diplomatic representatives and
consular agents accredited in Chile can be transmitted and
received in cipher or in code language without any
restriction when there is reciprocity.
- 2.
- Private telegraphic communications, within the country or
with neutral countries, may be exchanged in code language or
- 3.
- Private telegraphic communications, in cipher, with the
belligerent countries may be made only by means of the codes
A. B. C., fifth edition; Scott’s Code, tenth edition;
Bentley’s Complete Phrase Code; Western Union Code; Leiber’s
Code, and those which the Government of Chile authorizes,
providing that the sender gives to the corresponding
administrative authority a translation of the telegram and
he authorizes its transmission, placing his O. K. on the
original cipher.
- 4.
- Private telegraphic communications, in cipher or not,
which contain notices regarding the situation, movements or
operatons of the war or merchant vessels of the belligerent
nations may not be transmitted; but the agents of steamship
companies and commercial houses may transmit telegraphic
communications in cipher or code language within the country
or to neutral countries regarding the movement of steamers
or merchant vessels.
Take note, communicate, publish and insert in the “Boletin de las
Leyes y Decretos del Gobierno.”
Barros Luco.
Pedro N. Montenegro.