File No. 825.02/9.

Chargé Summerlin to the Secretary of State.

No. 642.]

Sir: I have the honor to report that the President of the Republic opened the ordinary sessions of the Congress on the first instant * * * at which the President’s Message was read. Copies of the Message, with translations of the most important passages, are enclosed herewith. * * *

I have [etc.]

George T. Summerlin.


The friendly mediation of the Argentine, Brazilian and Chilean Governments in the conflict stirred up between the United States of America and the Government of General Huerta in the Republic of Mexico, which was so successful at the Niagara Falls conferences, has been an eloquent testimony of the solidarity spirit which governs the relations of the American peoples.

Inspired by the same sentiment of Pan-Americanism which led them to tender their good offices on that occasion, the Governments of these three Republics agreed upon an interchange of visits between their Ministers for Foreign Affairs in order to contribute by a public act of cordiality to the drawing closer of their relations.

In fulfilling this agreement the capital of the Republic has had the honor of receiving the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of Brazil and Argentina, Messrs. Lauro Müller and José Luis Murature; and the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Alejandro Lira, has visited Buenos Aires.

The enthusiastic and warm welcome which these three representatives met in Santiago and Buenos Aires is a frank manifestation that the diplomatic action of the Governments has faithfully interpreted the sentiment of the people, and that the policy of approximation so happily initiated is a solid guaranty of peace for the American Republics and of respect for their rights, the most vital of which is the integrity of the Continent.

As a practical result of this international act, a treaty between the three Republics was signed in Buenos Aires on the 25th of May last, destined to strengthen the cordial understanding which unites them and which establishes a formula, inspired by the Bryan Peace Treaty, for the solution of questions which might arise among them.

Upon the initiative of the Government of the United States, our Government raised its diplomatic representation in that country to the rank of Embassy, and we continue to cultivate a constantly closer friendship with that country.

In order to increase the means of solving through juridical channels the differences that might arise between the nations, the Secretary of State of [Page 36] the American Government, Mr. Bryan, submitted to the diplomatic representatives accredited in Washington a proposed treaty which was given the frankest acceptance by the Governments. Our Government, simultaneously with those of Argentina and Brazil, signed a treaty of this nature with the Government of the United States, which desired to invest this act with special solemnity.

We have signed a similar treaty with the Government of Uruguay.