File No. 839.51/1641.

The Secretary of State to Minister Russell.


Referring to your November 10, 5 p.m. you may present note rendering interpretation contemplated in enclosure to instruction 139 of September 17.

The Department would prefer to have the office of financial adviser so established that it would not be subject to abolishment by future administrations. But in view of past experiences with financial adviser as such the Department is willing to have his duties and rights vested in the receivership, provided that it is properly authorized to exercise full budgetary control and all the powers of a financial expert, as described in the Department’s letter of June 1, 1914, to Charles M. Johnston,12 excepting only the portions of the seventh duty thereof which refer to control over receivership.

In insisting upon constabulary, you will not fail to point out that once organized it will provide ample protection to constituted authority at a minimum of cost and that it will be subject to the central control which would place it beyond the domination of provincial administrators. The maintenance of the constabulary will be less onerous and far more effective than the present system of army, and customs guard and guardia republicana.

Upon receipt by you of note accepting above conditions Department will if you so recommend arrange advance of one hundred twenty thousand dollars.
