File No. 835.032/15.

Ambassador Stimson to the Secretary of State.

No. 45.]

Sir: I have the honor to report that on Monday, May 10, I assisted at the formal opening of Congress by the President of the Nation, and enclose herewith a copy of the message which he read on that occasion. * * *

I have [etc.]

F. J. Stimson.


At the opening of your last ordinary session, I communicated to you the steps that had been taken by the Argentine Government, in conjunction with the Governments of Brazil and Chile, to arrive at a solution of the armed conflict that had a short time previously arisen between the United States of America and Mexico. I said to you then: “It will be a great day for America when peace is reestablished between these nations, through a friendly mediation which aims at terminating a conflict which is contrary to the spirit of solidarity and of harmony, linked together in a community of sentiment in the Pan-American Congresses.”

This desire has been realized, and in a measure beyond that which in our most optimistic moods we thought possible. When the conference met at Niagara Falls the representatives of the belligerent countries approached the study of their subject in an atmosphere of the greatest harmony, under the auspices of the diplomats of the mediating countries. The high spirit of equanimity which presided at the meetings allowed both parties to find a solution of their problems worthy of both adversaries, and as a consequence, a peace protocol was signed, whose stipulations were accepted without protest and carried out loyally. In this way, a conflict that had led to the outbreak of hostilities and which threatened the serenity of the whole continent was peacefully and decorously settled.

I have reason to think that the solution so happily arrived at in this case has met with equal sympathy both in the two countries concerned and in the three nations which lent the weight of their moral influence to the mediation.

Shortly after the signing of the protocol, the United States Government and the Government of Mexico expressed their gratitude to the mediators in cordial and effusive terms, significant for the unanimity they evidenced and for the marks of spontaneity they bore.

[Page 29]

From the first moment our chancellery accepted the proposition of the United States to establish closer financial relations between the Republics of America. When we were invited to send a representative to the Financial Congress shortly to be held in Washington for the purpose, the Executive Power appointed Mr. Samuel Hale Pearson, director of the Bank of the Nation, and Dr. Ricardo C. Aldao, former Minister of Finance for the Province of Buenos Aires, as delegates to represent the Argentine Government in this important conference, at which consideration will not only be given to banking matters but to transport and commerce between the various countries concerned.

You were duly informed of the invitation of the United States to this Government to raise the grading of their respective diplomatic representations. This proof of friendly deference was peculiarly agreeable to the Executive Power, for it meant that the progress made by our country in the realm of the moral and the material was recognized by the powerful Republic of the north.

To fill the new role, the North American Government has appointed Dr. Frederic J. Stimson, a distinguished citizen and one exceptionally well fitted to assume the position. We have appointed Dr. Rómulo S. Naón to represent us at Washington, where he was formerly our Minister Plenipotentiary, a man whose earlier capability and skill and whose brilliant work elected him for the post.

The creation of these two Embassies is a mile-stone on the road of our diplomatic progress. It is significant of the state of our international standing, and it binds us still closer to the United States of America, already linked to this Republic by a similar act.