File No. 839.002/26.
Chargé Johnson to the Secretary of State.
Santo Domingo, August 17, 1915—3 p.m.
Perez Perdomo, able Minister of Finance, resigned today and Minister for Foreign Affairs not yet chosen. Old age and feeble health of President Jiménes and dislike of burdens of office together with intrigues for the presidency of both Arias and Velasquez within and of Vásquez without the Government makes conditions uncertain and fraught with danger of situation arising here in case of death or resignation of Jiménes somewhat similar to Haitian upon the death of President there. Think it would be advisable to have constantly within short sailing distance from here a United States vessel and ample force of marines or perhaps Porto Rican regiment ready for immediate service.
While conditions with respect to armed uprisings are improving political and financial conditions are far from satisfactory. Perdomo resignation decided doss to honest government. Velasquez still in interior treating with the revolutionist Feliu.