File No. 839.00/1713.

Chargé Johnson to the Secretary of State.


President Jiménes informed me today that former Governor Feliu of Puerto Plata with a force of men, number unknown, has gone to the bush against the Government in that province; that the opposition is prepared for revolution in other provinces and other outbreaks likely; that the Government can overcome Puerto Plata uprising but Government forces limited; that he has no proof against Arias but that unless he changes his activities the President will dismiss him soon; that if impeachment of the President is attempted, as in such event would be likely by Congress which is controlled by Arias and opposition, he will take matters into his own hands; that Arias is the cause of the trouble with Congress over budget and greatest stumbling block of the Government.

As to Arias I ventured to repeat assurances of the Department heretofore given (your January 12, 8 p.m., April 9, 7 p.m., and April 20, 2 p.m.) but it was evident that the President desires reassurance from the Department in view of hinted assumption of dictatorship in case of attempted impeachment. It might be suggested to the President that Congress constitutionally expires on July 27 and if he is on the point of being voted out of office before that time he could then assume dictatorship. There is no just cause for impeachment.

Believe the United States should be prepared to land expeditionary force the moment it becomes evident Government cannot promptly put down uprising or that it is spreading. The President made no request in the premises.
