File No. 837.55/31.

The Chinese Minister to the Secretary of State.

No. 72.]

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your notes of the 18th and 25th ultimo, in which you are good enough to inform me of the result of an effort made by the American Minister at Havana, in cooperation with the Chinese Chargé d’Affaires there, to prevail upon the Cuban Government to continue in force, pending the conclusion of a treaty between China and Cuba, an order suspending for sixty (60) days the prohibition against Chinese immigration into Cuba.

While noting with deep regret the refusal on the part of the Cuban Government to comply with the suggestion presented by the American Minister under instructions from your Department at the request of this Legation, I take this opportunity to express to you my sincere thanks for the valuable assistance and cooperation given to the Chinese Chargé d’Affaires at Havana as well as to myself by your Department and by the American Minister at Havana in this endeavor to obtain relief for all Chinese resorting to Cuba.

Accept [etc.]

Kai Fu Shah.