File No. 837.55/25.
The Chinese Minister to the Secretary of State.
Washington, February 5, 1915.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 28th ultimo, with which you are good enough to enclose for my information paraphrases of telegrams exchanged between your Department and the American Minister at Havana, regarding the exercise of good offices of the Government of the United States with the Government of Cuba toward obtaining a restoration of the order of the President of that Republic, dated November 14, 1913, suspending the operation of the law governing the admission of Chinese into Cuba.
I sincerely appreciate the assistance given by the American Minister to the Chinese Chargé d’Affaires at Havana in this matter; [Page 269] and I shall not fail to inform you of the results of their combined efforts.
Accept [etc.]