File No. 833.032/12.

Chargé Schoenfeld to the Secretary of State.

No. 845.]

Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith the official text of the presidential message. I beg leave respectfully to call the Department’s attention to the statement making special mention of the high appreciation in which Minister Nicolay A. Greystad was held by the Government. Minister Greystad is described to have won high regard because of “his intelligent and serene activity, inspired in the highest ideals of American solidarity.”

I have [etc.]

H. F. Arthur Schoenfeld.


Several changes have been made in the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Republic, and the Government desires especially to record its high regard for some of those representatives, such as the Minister of the United States, Mr. Nicolay A. Grevstad, for his calm and intelligent procedure, inspired by the highest ideals of American solidarity.