Treaty Series No. 600–A.
The Secretary of State to the Minister of Portugal.
Washington, November 16, 1915.
Sir: The time specified in the Treaty of February 4, 1914, between the United States and Portugal, looking to the advancement of the general cause of peace, for the appointment of the International Commission having expired, without the United States non-national Commissioner, the Portuguese Commissioners and the Joint Commissioner being named, I have the honor to suggest for the consideration of your Government that the time within which the organization of the Commission may be completed be extended from April 24, 1915 to April 24, 1916.
Your formal notification in writing, of the same date as this, that your Government receives the suggestion favorably, will be regarded on this Government’s part as sufficient to give effect to the extension, and I shall be glad to receive your assurance that it will be so regarded by your Government also.
Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.