File No. 419.11H23/39.
The Secretary of State to Minister Price.
Washington, April 27, 1915.
Sir: The Department has received your No. 466 of the 9th instant, reporting that you have been unable to obtain any reply in regard to the claim of Wm. T. Harrington against the Government of Panama.
Inform the Foreign Office of the Panaman Government that it is greatly to be desired that the Government of Panama, mindful of the [Page 1254] importance of giving prompt consideration to matters brought to its attention affecting the relations of the two Governments, will bring to an end the vexatious delay which seems to have characterized the attitude of the Foreign Office toward this and other cases brought to its attention by the Legation.
The Department is of the opinion that an indemnity in the amount of $5,000 should be insisted upon in the case of the killing of Mr. Harrington.
I am [etc.]