File No. 819.1052/46.
The Secretary of State to Minister Price.
Washington, May 17, 1915.
Sir: In connection with previous correspondence relative to the police riots in Panama and Colon, during the months of February and April, of this year, there is transmitted herewith, for your information, a copy of a letter from the Department of War, dated May 11, 1915, regarding the uncertain status of the patrols maintained by the United States military authorities in Panama and Colon. The letter contains also the recommendation of the Commanding General, Eastern Department, that these patrols be placed upon a definite basis through an agreement between the United States and the Republic of Panama.
Your attention is especially called to the last paragraph of the letter and you are instructed to follow the suggestion contained therein, and, in conference with Major General George W. Goethals [Page 1225] and Brigadier General Clarence R. Edwards, to obtain their opinions as to the “exact powers and functions that should be vested in the military patrols.” You will submit these opinions to the Department, which will, after full consideration, instruct you further in the matter.
I am [etc.]