File No. 319.1123L25/3.
Minister Price to the Secretary of State.
Panama, April 10, 1915.
Sir: Referring to my telegrams of April 2 and April 4, and the Department’s telegram of April 6, I have the honor to report that investigations by our military authorities and by the Panaman authorities are still in progress, a representative of our respective authorities being in attendance at each other’s hearings.
The investigation under charge of Col. Chamberlain, temporarily on the Zone on inspection duty, has continued from day to day, being now, since Thursday, when Col. Chamberlain left for the United States, conducted by Lieut. Goetz, Aide on staff of Brigadier General Edwards.
Lieut. Goetz was the one who arrested the policeman charged with shooting Corporal Maurice Langdon in charge of our patrol. * * * It seems now that up to this time no one has been found who can identify the policeman who shot Langdon, although there is good testimony that a policeman was seen dodging back and forth behind the corner of a building and shooting toward Langdon. Another Panaman policeman has been under arrest since Sunday, or Monday charged with participation in the riot.
I herewith enclose newspaper accounts of the affair.10 The one from Panama Morning Journal of April 3, and the small reference of April 7 in Star and Herald, are fairly accurate. The enclosure from Panama Morning Journal of April 5 was an account inspired by the Panaman officials.
As soon as I saw this last account I got in communication with the editor of the Morning Journal, Mr. Niemeyer, who lately came from the States to take charge of it, and he told me that this was written, including the item regarding the release of the policeman, pursuant to a report made to him by the Secretary of President Porras, and by one of Mr. Federico Boyd’s sons, who proves to be Jorge, now sitting in place of his father on the Joint Land Commission. * * * I at once got into communication with the Panaman Foreign Office, protesting against the possible release of this policeman, and submitted a note, copy of which is enclosed. They declared he would not be released, and he is still in confinement.
I have [etc.]
- Not printed.↩