File No. 419.11D29/113.

Minister Price to the Secretary of State.

No. 670.]

Sir: I have the honor to enclose a copy of a note sent by me to the Secretary of Foreign Affairs in compliance with Department’s instruction No. 195 of October 23 having reference to the selection of the Netherlands Minister to Washington and Panama as arbitrator in the matter of the claims growing out of the Cocoa Grove riot of July 4, 1912.

A copy of the protocol included in the text of the Department’s instruction, was sent with my note.

Señor Lefevre has stated to me that there would be no objection to concluding the protocol, and I have urged him to arrange for the designation of some one by Panama, presumably himself, to sign same with me promptly.

I have [etc.]

Wm. Jennings Price.

Minister Price to the Secretary for Foreign Affairs.

No. 258.]

Excellency: Referring to our previous notes upon the subject of the selection of an arbitrator to determine the amount of the indemnities to be paid by the Government of Panama on account of the death and injury of Americans in the riot which occurred in the city of Panama on July 4, 1912, and referring [Page 1183] more particularly to my note No. 180 of May the 17, 1915, and your excellency’s response thereto being No. S–6701 of May 18, 1915, and the additional note of your excellency No. S–7662 of August 13 last, I have the honor, confirming the information already in possession of your excellency of the consent of Chevalier W. L. F. C. van Rappard, Minister of the Netherlands to the United States and Panama, to act as said arbitrator, to advise your excellency that my Government is now ready to proceed with final arrangements for said arbitration, it being understood, as heretofore agreed, that the Government of Panama undertakes to pay indemnities without regard to the circumstances affecting the riot and that the question to be submitted to said arbitrator is merely the amount of damages to be paid.

For the purpose of completing said arrangements in due and proper form, my Government has authorized me, as its representative, to sign the protocol of submission in this matter in the form which accompanies this note.

Expressing the hope that the same may be acceptable to your excellency’s Government and that a duly authorized representative of same may be designated to sign same with the representative of my Government, and awaiting your excellency’s valued response herein, I avail [etc.]

Wm. Jennings Price.