File No. 419.11D29/104.

The Secretary of State to Minister Price.

No. 195.]

Sir: Referring to previous correspondence, the Department encloses herewith a copy of a note from the Minister of the Netherlands, expressing his willingness to act as arbitrator to determine the amount of indemnities to be paid by the Government of Panama on account of the death and injury of American citizens in a riot which occurred in the city of Panama on July 4, 1912.

In informing the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Panama that Chevalier W. L. F. C. van Rappard, Minister of the Netherlands to the United States and to Panama, has consented to act as arbitrator in the Cocoa Grove case, you may state that this Government is now ready to proceed with final arrangements for the arbitration, with the understanding that the Government of Panama undertakes to pay indemnities without regard to the circumstances affecting the riot and that the question to be submitted to the arbitrator is merely the amount of damages to be paid.

In this relation your attention is called to the Department’s telegram of May 14, and to the Legation’s telegram of May 18.

[Page 1182]

You are authorized to sign with the duly authorized representative of the Government of Panama a protocol of submission in the following form:

[See despatch No. 690, November 27, post, p. 1183.]

I am [etc.]

Robert Lansing.