File No. 819.74/68.

Minister Price to the Secretary of State.

No. 458.]

Sir: Referring again to the matter of our control of wireless telegraphy in the Republic of Panama and its territorial waters and of the adherence by Panama to the London International Radio-telegraphic Convention, I have the honor to report that while at the office of the Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Panama a day or two ago he remarked that he was in receipt of a request from the director (as he expressed it) of the affairs of the London Convention aforesaid, asking that the rules and regulations adopted by Panama in this [Page 1156] matter be communicated to him. I suggested to him to refer them to our authorities, as being in control of the situation, and he indicated that he would. I asked that he let me have a copy of the request for forwarding to the Department, but he did not seem disposed to give it.

Sr. Lefevre remarked in a complaining manner that as a result of their adherence to this convention an annual fee of $500 was being claimed against them, saying that he thought his Government had already paid it for the year 1914. He remarked further that after giving us control in the matter he felt these fees should be borne by our Government.

I have [etc.]

Wm. Jennings Price.