File No. 817.812/129.

Minister Long to the Secretary of State.

No. 37.]

Sir: Referring to this Legation’s cablegram of March 26, I have the honor to report that * * * it is safe to say that this Government has no fixed plan as to what it will finally expect in return for joining its neighbors in granting a naval base in Fonseca Bay; but to its desires enumerated in yesterday’s cablegram should be added—Fourth, to have established, and maintained until railway lines connected at least three of the five countries, regular rapid [Page 1117] small ship communication to convey mail, passengers, and their baggage between Pacific Coast ports of Central America; fifth, to have established and maintained along the coast of Salvador modern lighthouses; sixth, to have established and maintained in Salvador wireless stations of sufficient power to communicate with Panama.

I think it is not expected that all these desires should be granted without cost to the Government; some of them would undoubtedly be expected as compensation, but after a conference and a general understanding regarding the basic points the minor ones could be dealt with satisfactorily. * * *

I have [etc.]

Boaz W. Long.