File No. 511.4A1/1439.

The Secretary of State to Minister Van Dyke.

No. 73.]

Sir: I enclose herewith a copy of a note3 from the Minister of the Netherlands at Washington announcing the opening at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs at The Hague of a protocol for signature by the plenipotentiaries of the Governments which have ratified the International Opium Convention. A translation of the protocol is also enclosed.3

It appears from your No. 16 of December 10, 1913,4 that the President’s instrument of ratification of this convention was on that day deposited by you with the Government of the Netherlands. It would seem, therefore, necessary for you only to sign the protocol at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and you are instructed to do this. As [Page 1101] it would appear from the protocol that the convention will go into effect with respect to the United States on the day you sign the protocol, the Department desires you to report to it the date on which you fulfill this formality, at the same time advising it of the names of the other Governments whose plenipotentiaries have likewise signed the protocol.

I am [etc.]

For the Secretary of State:
Robert Lansing.