File No. 312.93/126.

The Chinese Minister to the Secretary of State.

My Dear Mr. Secretary: I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 28th instant,72 in which you are good enough to quote for my information a telegram addressed to the Secretary of the Navy by Admiral Howard, dated July 27, 1915, containing a message addressed to me by the Chinese colony at Guaymas, Mexico, asking for protection from the attacks of the Yaqui Indians, who have recently killed twenty-three (23) Chinese in the neighborhood of Guaymas. I have received a similar message from the Chinese colony at Guaymas, sent from Nogales, Ariz., under date of July 28, 1915.

[Page 1095]

In view of the seriousness of the situation to the Chinese at and near Guaymas, it will be gratifying to my Government if you would be so kind to issue instructions to American consular and naval officers in that neighborhood to extend to my countrymen residing in those parts all possible aid and protection, in the hope that similar tragic events will not occur again.

Thanking you [etc.]

Kai Fu Shah.
  1. Not printed.