File No. 312.93/108.
The Secretary of State to Consul Simpich.
Washington, May 6, 1915.
Sir: The Department has received your despatch No. 373 of April 21, 1915, reporting that two Chinese citizens, Lee Yan You and Wong Toy, were murdered near Ojo de Agua, which is about [Page 1093] twelve miles east of Cananea, Sonora, having been shot and killed supposedly by Maytorenista troops retiring from before Agua Prieta, in the early part of April.
You are directed to address to the appropriate authorities an urgent request that all possible measures be taken to apprehend and punish the murderers of the Chinese referred to, and to extend adequate protection to Chinese citizens generally.
In this connection you will invite the attention of the authorities to the lawless conditions prevailing in the State of Sonora, especially with respect to the outrages which have been perpetrated upon Chinese citizens, and request to be informed what action they intend to take to remedy such conditions.
I am [etc.]