File No. 312.93/108.
Consul Simpich to the Secretary of State.
Nogales, April 21, 1915.
Sir: I have the honor to report that, according to information received by the acting American consular agent at Cananea, two Chinese citizens (Lee Yan You and Wong Toy) were murdered near Ojo de Agua (which is about 12 miles east of Cananea), Sonora, having been shot and killed supposedly by Maytorenista troops retiring from before Agua Prieta, in the early part of April.
The judge of the court of first instance is making an investigation; such steps are taken for appearance and purposes of policy only. There have been dozens of cases of robbery and killing of Chinese in Sonora in the past year, and in not one instance, to my knowledge, has the guilty party been punished.
I have [etc.]