File No. 312.67/57

Special Agent Silliman to the Secretary of State.

Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a copy of my representation to the Foreign Office No. 278 of August 26, 1915, in compliance with the Department’s instruction in its communication of July 23, 1915, regarding representation for Ottoman subjects in Mexico.

I am [etc.]

John R. Silliman.

Special Agent Silliman to the Foreign Office.

No. 278.]

My Dear Mr. Secretary: Referring to the summary execution of three Ottoman subjects by General Obregon, Mexico City, on the 16th of February, 1915.

[Page 1085]

At the time, and at the instance of the Ottoman Colony in Mexico City, I spoke to General Obregon in behalf of these Syrians, who were brought in from San Juan del Río, charged with being spies. I was, unfortunately, a little too late in seeing the General, who informed me that just a short time previous to my call the men had been executed. He added that if he had known that they were foreigners he would have ordered a more formal examination, but that he only knew of their nationality through my representation and regretted that it was too late.

I have the honor to inform you that I am in receipt of a communication from the Honorable Alvey A. Adee, Acting Secretary of State of the United States, dated July 23, in reference to this case, and also in reference to representation for Ottoman subjects in this country who are without an accredited representative from their own Government.

I am instructed to say, as a result of the Ottoman Government entrusting to representatives of the Government of the United States the care of Ottoman interests in Mexico, that I am authorized to use my good offices in behalf of subjects of the Ottoman Empire in any case of grievance that may come to my knowledge. This instruction also applies to all other consular officers of the United States in their respective districts.

I am also instructed by the Honorable Secretary of State of the United States to lodge a protest, unofficially, against the summary execution of the Ottoman subjects above referred to, which took place in the city of Mexico on the 16th of February, 1915.

I have [etc.]

Not signed.
John R. Silliman.