File No. 312.51/124.
The Secretary of State to the French Ambassador.
Washington, May 27, 1915.
Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of May 16, in regard to the confiscation by Carrancistas of [Page 1064] French arms stored in the custom house at Vera Cruz, in which you request the Department to present to General Carranza a remonstrance against the seizure of these arms and to ask that they be returned.
In reply I have the honor to say that, before taking further action regarding the seizure in question, the Department would be glad to be informed what instructions in the matter have been sent to the French consular representative at Vera Cruz.
Upon receipt of such information, the American representative at that place will be instructed to cooperate with his French colleague in the making of appropriate representations.
Accept [etc.]