File No. 312.51/105.
The French Ambassador to the Secretary of State.
Washington, January 25, 1915.
Mr. Secretary of State: As I had the honor orally to inform your excellency on May 20 last, my Government had sent to Vera Cruz 500 [Page 1058] rifles and a certain amount of cartridges to be used in self-defence by the French Colony in Mexico in case of imminent danger. With your excellency’s consent those arms were stored in the Vera Cruz custom house awaiting an opportunity to forward them to destination.
My Government now informs me that it has just heard that the Carranza forces seized the said arms and ammunition and distributed them among themselves.
I should be very thankful to your excellency if you would let me know, in case you are able to do so, whether there is occasion to credit the report.
Be pleased [etc.]