File No. 701.5212/11.

Special Agent Silliman to the Secretary of State.


Referring to the peremptory and most offensive order received by the Spanish Minister from the First Chief last night to leave the country within 24 hours beginning at midnight tonight. The Minister is charged with aiding, and harboring in the Legation, Caso who is wanted for punishment on a political accusation; also with disobeying the order demanding that the Legation be searched. The Minister positively denies both charges. On February 4, complying with Department’s February 3 to the Brazilian Minister, I sent the following telegram to Carranza:

It is suggested by Secretary Bryan that I may be of some service in connection with the proposed arrest of Mr. Angel Caso, Confidential Agent of the Spanish Legation. The Department hopes, in view of his connection with the legation of a foreign government, that the arrest will not be made. In personal [Page 1052] conversation with me about three weeks ago, this gentleman expressed the most favorable opinion of you. I sincerely trust that the accusation against him is of such a nature that some intimation may be made to him in regard to it instead of placing him under arrest. I understand that General Obregon, presuming him to be at the Spanish Legation, has given the legation until 6 p.m. this afternoon to deliver him. My understanding is that he is not at the legation.

I also on the same day telegraphed my personal sympathy on the death of his brother and two nephews. The personal message received prompt reply, the other remains unanswered.
