File No. 701.5212/48a.
The Secretary of State to Special Agent Silliman.
Washington, May 20, 1915.
We are informed by the Spanish Ambassador that Carranza has made objection to a special representative being sent into northern Mexico to intercede with Villa for the protection of Spaniards in the territory under Villa’s control. Please say to General Carranza that [Page 1039] such objection is, in our judgment, very unjust. He cannot fairly complain of Spain for trying to secure through de facto authorities protection for Spanish subjects in those parts of Mexico over which Carranza exercises no authority and in which he can give no protection. We have been compelled to follow the same course and a failure to do so would have resulted in most serious consequences. We feel sure that General Carranza will, on reflection, see the justice of the position taken by Spain in this instance. Please present this matter to him as urgently as possible.